Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Went to city today! Went shopping, went to french connection again (went a few days ago, didnt mention it), i want to buy their slippers. Also forgot to mention dat i had bought a hoodie from fcuk too, it has dark blue and white stripes, really nice :) Ate dinner at papa gino's, its an italian restaurent in the city, their pizza is vry good. Just drank hot chocolate just now, the weather was also quite hot today. although not as bad as yesterday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today was very hot, like singapore, wore slippers and didnt even bring jacket out. Did not do much. Went out for lunch and had dinner at home.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Woke up at 11 melbourne time! Haha, my sister had already gone to lab. Ate lunch and went to ikea, to buy new things, bought rugs plates etc. Had steamboat for dinner, the meatball was vry nice =D

Yesterday (Sunday)

Did not go church, woke up too late. Instead went to a music shop, they had so many drum stuff! Its more than yamaha and swee lee combined, bought 2 pairs of drumsticks. They sell dw9000 double pedal, but i think its more expensive than Singapore, saw it in Singapore for about $1000. Wanting to buy a snare drum, they have so much more choices den Singapore haha!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

and Woke up quite early today, at about 6.30. The sky was already bright. I went to lab with my jiejiekj, helped kill my sister mice. So fun la! After put the mice to sleep, then must draw out the blood, I poke one mice until it die and the blood haven even come out lor. Then after that must cut open the mice and take out the liver. Took so long to do all 29 mice. Went back home at almost 1 o clock. Ate lunch at home, mummy had already cooked. Went to this restaurent called miss marples for tea, ate scones and some chocolate fudge cake, the jam was very nice. Wanted to go to the berry farm, but it was closed. Ate at an italian restaurent for dinner, ate pizza, pasta, and a seafood platter. so much to eat, so full now.

Yesterday (Friday)

Touch down in the airport at about 11am melbourne time, kj and my sister picked us up and we all went to this place called greasy joe's for lunch, they had this burger called, the fat "bastard", it was made up off triple meat, triple cheese and triple bacon. It was so big la, had really too much meat dat day.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Woke up at 10.30 today. Went to plaza sing for lunch. Also went to yamaha, i think i will ask my parents to buy me cymbal sets from there for Christmas haha. I just packed finish my bag and the taxi will come at 9.00 my flight is at 11+ i think haha, will be back on 11th of November.

Yesterday (Wednesday)

Cant remember much haha, i tried really hard to convince my mother to let me go prayer meeting. So in the end i succeeded haha, the worship dat day was not too bad, the drummer was so careful and played really really softly haha. Checked on my cymbal, it is still in perfect condition =D told moses to just help me keep an eye on it, just incase the drummer forgets to keep it haha thx moses.

Have to shower now, must change and get ready alrdy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One of the most screwed up band practices ever, totally wasted my time away. I went there at 9.30, supposed to be late, BUT t.t. was even later, so i was like wth. Then when he came at 10, he forgot to bring something, so he went back home, and it just so happened dat his car couldnt start when he wanted to come back, so a few people+teacher took taxi to his house to take some stuff (their mics+tuner). So we watched some stupid video about band tuning etc, i was like concentrating so much on my psp. Was trying to connect to the school internet, tried to guess their password, but after 40 min still cannot.

Wanting to go for prayer meeting tomorrow, hope my mother lets me.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Didnt do much today, just went to market to eat roti prata for breakfast and just went to island creamery with victor to eat ice cream, haf band tomorrow, feel like ponning but i better go since i will be going holiday dis Thursday. And i also have to exchange my geog workbook for next year, they gave me the normal acad workbook haiz.

Yesterday (Sunday)

Played drums for church, junjun said im still playing too softly haha, maybe i shld use heavier sticks? lol. I brought my 14 inch dark crash to church to play during service. And i lent it to church since i will be going Melbourne for 3 weeks. I really hope that Marc and the other drummers take good care of it haha

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I am so tired. went late for tuition, as usual, had 8 hrs of maths tuition dis week. After tuition went to crystal jade for lunch, and i finally bought my bleach game!!! =D really happy now. MP was at 5.00 i really enjoyed playing the songs, my favourites were "my redeemer lives" and "open the eyes of my heart". Haha, they both have really nice drum parts in it. Raced faith, shawn, jerald and marc in wipeout pure (faith brought her psp, so we took turns), i thrashed them all! Tomorrow im going to race with nick haha. It seems dat nick and marc are not fighting anymore, and everything is back to normal, or so i hope.

Thank you God for answering my prayers, and guide my hands as i play for You tomorrow!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Went for band today, managed to be late =D reached there at 9.35. After dat went to bras pasah, got a stick bag from ranking. Slept awhile in the afternoon. I realised dat i might have bought too many drumsticks, as i was putting all my drumsticks into my yellow stick bag, i could not fit the last 2 pairs of sticks, haha, so i must stop buying drumsticks alrdy, will probably post up a picture of all my drumsticks when i feel like it. Currently at ch 200 of bleach.

Yesterday (Thursday)

Went for a maths tuition in the afternoon, jem was there too. Then took mrt to church for the jamming session. Was really screwed up, alot of things happened. Jamming was affected cos we did not make sure who was going to come etc, and totally unnecessary fights/quarrels also took place. Why cant people just get along and learn to relax. Haiz, went home disappointed.

God i pray that u will just help everyone, calm their hearts and have them see beyond what their emotions show them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Didnt do anything except go for tuition, woke up at 12.30. At ch110 of bleach now

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ponned band today, woke up at 11, ate lunch instead of breakfast. Went for tuition, left 4 more classes, tomorrow, Thursday, Saturday and next Tuesday. Currently reading/downloading bleach manga, only at 64 right now, probably going to hit ch100 before i sleep.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Totally forgot there was a music ministry meeting at 9.45!! Aaaaah, woke up at 10 actually, reached church at 11, didnt even realise i had missed a meeting until faith asked me whether i go, turns out she never go too, then we say terrence never remind us on sat haha. Went to eat at some restaurent (western food) with my cousin, his birthday is tomorrow (actually half an hour more). Then went to the game shop near my aunty house again, and again the bleach game isnt in yet! haiz, i think i'll get it from some other place instead, tired of waiting. Getting better at wipeout pure =D

Saturday, November 10, 2007

woke up for tuition, as usual i was late, also signed up for physics tuition for next year, haiz have a feeling next year is going to be really hectic. After tuition went to grandmas house again,stayed there till bout 3.30, then went to church. Played drums for youth service. And i got my psp game!! wipeout pure, luckily faith remembered to bring haha, she also lent me her thumbdrive, stole bout 4 albums haha thx faith

Friday, November 9, 2007

Woke up at 8.30 dis morning, wanted to wake up later but couldnt cos my mum was disturbing me haha. Tried to be late for band, reached there 9.15, BUT it turns out dat guo sheng (t.t. assistant, t.t. is acsbr band new conductor btw) was late too, so i failed at being late haiz. After band went with asher and a few guys from other sections to ccab, he had to collect some nco camp shirt, then we went to prata cafe to eat. Ate maggi prata, okok only la not say dat nice.

After dat went home and played com until now. Just updated the youth site, its getting bigger with alot of files (87 total), took a long time to download. And the youth roster is mixed up haha, i need to get updated, luckily shirlyn signed in on msn just before i update, if not gif ppl wrong information haha. Alright gotto wake up early for tuition at 9 again... tuition is getting really boring, but going to play for youth service tomorrow, and i can finally get my psp game!!! At last after waiting 1 week haha

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Today was really boring. Woke up at 12, den when to my aunty house again. Ate lunch at the market and went to see if my psp game was in yet, but it wasnt :( Wanted to watch movie with terrence and nick, they were supposed to watch resident evil, then changed to bee movie, then faith told me they never watch, so oso good timing for me cos my mother didnt wan me to go, went to eat seafood at damsey road instead. The chilli crab was really nice =D So altogether today was a really boring day with alot of waiting zzz

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Woke up at 8 for band today, didnt like band practice, it was so boring, the attendence for percussionist was not too bad, all the expected people came except for yan ding (blahdy slacker). T.T. set us some stupid homework to do, but not planning to do it of course haha.

Feeling really tired and bored the past few days, i have no idea why i feel so tired, havent really been staying up late. Dont think i will go out with darren and the rest tomorrow, cos got a maths tuition, and don feel like changing it to sat. I can just download bee movie anyway haha. Hope my mother lets me go prayer meeting tomorrow, its a public holiday on thursday after all, so should be able to go. Hope that tomorrow wont be as boring as it was the past few days.

Monday, November 5, 2007

stayed at home the whole day today, didnt do much except play games, watch tv and eat. As i predicted i was quite bored today, nothing to do, have band tomorrow, mr ng and t.t. would be there, so definitely cannot pon, gotto wake up early tomorrow (band's at 9), must try not to be late!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Went to church, was rather restless during the sermon, donno why haha, maybe abit tired. Nick helped me update my psp software and install a theme, looks really nice now, thanks nick! Went to west mall after church for lunch, met my aunties and cousin there too. Then we all went to IMM, the main reason was to buy my 8gb memory card for my psp, im so glad that they had stock there (the wisma one no more stock). After IMM went to the game shop near my cousins house, was looking for the Bleach psp game, but he was sold out so i'll haf to wait haiz. Faith and Nick bought a racing game "Wipeout Pure" asked me whether i want, so i decided to get it too, now all 3 of us can race together!! So fun haha!

Now im loading all my christian songs into my psp, altogether 1.53gb of songs, but before dat i haf to change all the aac format songs to mp3 format (212 songs altogether, gonna take forever), cos if not when i put it onto the psp the song track number will still be shown so not nice haha. Donno what im going to do tomorrow, haf no plans at all, have a feeling im going to get real bored tomorrow, haha, must faster find something to do.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Went for maths tuition dis morning, almost fell asleep haha, too tired, even though i slept quite early at about 11+. Then went to wisma for lunch with my parents, ate at soup restaurent, the tofu vry nice. Then after dat they bought me a PSP!!! ( the slim one), i chose the light blue color, quite nice, but sadly when i asked for the 8G memory stick it was out of stock! so sad lor and the guy didnt know when the stock would come in, so i guess i have to wait till i get back from melbourne? haha. Went to church for youth service at 5, sharon was talking about being still and silent before God, to learn to listen to God. Found it quite hard to do haha, but i will keep trying to grow in my faith =D.

Lord i give you thanks for helping me and being so faithful to me.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Forgot to blog the past few days, time pasts so quickly. Nothing much happening now, just a maths classes and tuition (i hardworking hor, holiday still tuition), there band tomorrow though, hope my section will come, or im ponning too haha, percussion = slackest section. Been a good boy the past few days, stay at home all day, never go out, i feel like im going to get really really bored. Im typing dis as im doing all the facebook stuff, 2 days nvr go get so many requests haha. was almost late for class today and gotto remember to wear school base t-shirt tomorrow if not will confirm cannot go into class lol

Going to sleep soon haf to get up at 8.00 latest.