Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Intravenous Infusion
Did my first successful IV drip yesterday. Pretty cool and I'm sorry for causing so much pain to my buddies arms. I got poked twice this week. So far my arms have all been 100% successful in getting an IV, my veins are just really clear and straight.
So medic course has been fine. Already used to being there, but staying in is the part which really sucks. They should seriously just make it stay-out since we got so much free time at night. We usually have more than 5 hours of free time before it's lights out... After lunch we have a one and a half hour afternoon nap time and at night it's mostly endless games of chinese chess, monopoly deal, UNO etc and we order in maccas when we're hungry! So that's my life now, sad isn't it... haha
Sunday, May 2, 2010
This is so confusing. I'm just going to go for it. Hope it works out well. Or at least I'll be done with it.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Staying In, AGAIN!
Went shopping at DFS today. If you've seen me in an oversized ralph lauren polo tee, fyi it was probably the adult size s. I now buy the kids size XL hahaha. It's awesome cos it fits perfectly and is way cheaper. Was looking for a new wallet, couldn't find a nice one though and they all cost quite a bit. So just bought some new clothes etc etc. Retail therapy rocks :) have to stay-in tomorrow, so I shop to make myself feel better haha!
Being in HQMC the past ~6weeks has been... Interesting to say the least. The people I've been with are full of shit, in a good way. It's always a strange feeling to leave something you've been accustomed to and move on to something totally new, but marcus, suck it up. I'm going crazy, I'm talking to myself... The plan now is to just enjoy myself in medic course and then after ~2months enjoy my stay-out, 8-5 job. But for now, I have my bags packed and I'm all ready to stay-in.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I just feel so so so weird.
So all of a sudden I am pulled back into church to play drums. Last week Ben asked me to play for youth service and just this morning Terrence dropped me a text asking me to play drums for tomorrow.
It was as if I was in sec 3 or sec 4 again where I played for church almost every single week. It certainly was the same feeling when I was asked to play. So during practice today I thought back to when was the last time I played for church. I realised it was in 2008, sometime in aug or sept. I have not served God for 16 months. I realised how much I have changed.
I used to focus on God during my playing. Now it's all about timing, precision, volume. I realised during practice that God was not on my mind at all while I was playing. I treated it like a performance. It hit me hard. You may think it's no big deal. But to me it is. Inside, it feels like I'm no longer true to God.
This is not about how good my drumming is, but whether I'm even worshipping God. If my relationship with God isn't a good one, how can I even serve Him.
I don't know where to go from this. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I'll probably stop playing till I'm sure about myself again.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Marcus, when you have too much time you think too much. Don't think so much just do it. There's really not much to lose.
April Fool and "It".
Tonight was a really memorable night. Went out with my NS friends. Zi Jie, Si Han, Gabriel, Somerton and Hubert. Planning for this outing was a real headache. From a pizza parlour we changed to teppanyaki. Then we changed again to marche. There were endless discussions.
The Marche at 313 is really small compared to the one at vivocity. Was an ok dinner. Highlight of the night was when we went to Cineleisure. Went down to B1 as we wanted to check out movie timings. Unfortunately most were sold out. However, as we stood there discussing our next move, a tranny appeared. We decided to make a move and Hubert's biggest mistake of 2010 was to walk right by the tranny. It smacked his ass and it said "I like fat boys". Even when we went up the escalator the it was still staring at Hubert. Zi Jie "The bapo still staring at you!". We made quite a scene and laughed like hell. Needless to say, the other five of us went on about that the rest of the night. Never laughed so much in such a long time. Poor Hubert (YEA right! hahahahahahahaha). Thanks for providing us entertainment for the rest of the night tranny and Hubert.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
So I should be blogging this last night, but oh well.
25 March post:
Today is free cone day at Ben and Jerrys's! A few of us went to the
zoo for lunch as that was the nearest B&J outlet. Ate at KFC then went to queue up for B&J. Thank God the queue wasn't that long. We were all wearing our SAF uniforms so we were watching out for anyone pointing a camera in our direction, just incase we get STOMPED... Just imagine "SAF personnel are supposed to be defending our country or queuing up for ice cream?" We would get so screwed. So anyway tried the new flavour, it's nice :)
So after book out went to united square to meet Ivan and Lennon, bumped into David on the way there. Wanted to get another scoop of ice cream at B&J at united square. BUT, when I got there at about 6.40 the queue was already closed! Shit.... I was disappointed, Ivan was pissed, Lennon was just hungry, David I don't know how he felt... So we went to bakerzin for dinner, we just talked crap the whole time, really funny. David left for home the rest of us went to lido. We watched The Lovely Bones. I think it's a really really good show. Although the actresses aren't really pretty... But it was quite a touching show I guess.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Not what I expected.
I am now attached to ops for 6 weeks cos the medic course does not start till the 19th of April. So did nothing at all today haha. Just sat down and waited for a new posting which only arrived after lunch. Waited for like 6+ hours. What a great start to a new posting isn't it haha.
After that learnt all there was to learn about what I'm supposed to do. Apparently it is all clerical work. Going to be sitting down in an aircon room until I go for the course. It's quite relax I think haha.
Blog more tomorrow.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
New posting.
I am going to be a medic. Guess it'll be interesting. Have to report to nee soon camp. Damn far... Almost reach yishun. And I don't think I have a straight bus there. Let's just see how it goes.
Monday, February 22, 2010
POC = Passing Out Ceremony
I have a one week break
I plan to meet many people this week
I hope I get a good posting for my next phase of NS
I miss melbourne
I wish I was having orientation for uni NOW
That is alot of "I"s.
So chinese new year has come and gone. I know how to play mahjong now!! Hahaha, it is my new favourite game! Who wants to come over and play??!!
Life is quite okay now I guess. Enjoying myself. Imagining my next two years without the stress of any exams/tests/assignments. Can't really comprehend it properly! I'm probably going to sign up for some part time courses to get a diploma or something. Mummy says I should not just let my brain go stagnant.
One thing I'm really looking forward to is getting my driving license. JUNE13!! About 4 months left. Then I can DRIVE! I want a car... I better start saving money LOL
Going to meet Jon Poh tomorrow. And probably will meet other poor trinity souls who are waiting to get into NS later in the week. Can't wait! :)
God, you have blessed me in so many ways. I am very thankful and grateful. Help me to grow in you and to be a better person, a person that deserves all your blessings.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A little time.
It is great to go out and spend time with friends and family. And it is also great to stay at home and just relax. I appreciate all the free time that I have on the weekends due to the little time I have as compared to my weekdays. It is good to not have to rush. Not having to constantly look at my watch. Not having to count the minutes till the next timing.
Having a totally free day is so underrated.
At this point in time, the next two years just doesn't look good. My feeling now is that I am going to just be trying my best to get over these two years with as few problems as possible. Then I shall get out of this little island as quick as I can.
January is almost gone. Can you believe a month has already passed since the new year?
Best thing about January 2010: I have begun my two year journey out of Singapore.
Worst thing about January 2010: Not being able to attend Idina's wedding.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Top of the hill.
January is almost over. So here is a January post.
I am now bald. I am in NS. I take a ferry to Pulau Tekong every week and shall do so until the 19th of Feb.
Life is weird now. Still getting used to the "not going to study for two years" thing. I don't want to be left here while so many other friends go on to uni... Sucks! Wait up people. I'll be there in 2012.
Weekends are now so precious. It feels great to be in civilization. Pulau Tekong feels like another world.
Quite tired now. Going to read a book. And then sleep :)
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