Tuesday, September 30, 2008

dog shit

Haha, so today,
assembly at the tennis courts.
Next to my class
on the right,
between 4a3 and 4a2,
there was dog shit or
some kind of shit
on the floor.
Really funny cos
both our classes were
trying to get people
to step on it.
We were always so close...
everybody was very lucky
or unlucky, whichever...
Even when it rained
halfway and everyone had to
go up to their classrooms,
NO ONE stepped on it!!
Like whenever its
a near miss everyone
would go "SHIT!..." (or an exclamation similar)
We even tried to
get the teachers to step on it...
we failed miserably.
So besides that school was really boring today.

I think its unfair that
the muslims get to leave
school early...
during chinese new year
EVERYONE gets to leave early.
Haha, I have no idea
why it suddenly crossed my mind.
Please excuse my errant thoughts.

Happy eve of Children's Day everyone.

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