Friday, January 18, 2008


Today was a good day. Geog teacher showed the class the movie/documentary "super size me", it relates to the topic we are doing now (geography of food). Although we did not watch the whole movie, it was really interesting. My eyes have been opened to how unhealthy fast food is LOL. The movie was about the dangers of fast food, what goes into fast food etc. The main event was the producer experimented on himself by eating fast food for 30 days straight and to see what happens. Do not know what the outcome was as only watched it halfway. But if u ever watch the show, i guarantee that u will think twice about eating macdonald ever again haha.

Aside from that, i know im about a few days late in blgging this, but theres a new macbook!! Macbook air, its so thin! super sexy la. Its touchpad is like iphone, to zoom in zoom out turn the pic etc is all like iphone super cool! It also uses the solid state drive which is totally new. Also, the new drive is the reason y it costs $3000+ for the lower version, the best is $5000 ): well hope the price drops haha.

Got music prac tomorrow at 2.00 not sure whether im going gym in the morning. Im most probably bringing my cymbal to play tomorrow, then take it back on sunday haha!

this is definitely one of my longer posts

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